The skin under your eyes is the most delicate of anywhere in the body. Because it is very thin and prone to damage, it’s common to develop noticeable veins in this area earlier than other places on the body, such as the legs. The unsightly blue veins around the eyes are called periorbital veins. They are frequently found on the lower portion of the eyelid and extend over the cheekbone. They can often give the appearance of dark circles under the eye.
There are many reasons why the veins beneath the eyes become even more prominent, including repeated exposure to the sun and advancing age. Over time, the delicate skin under the eye becomes even thinner and the veins become even more apparent. These prominent blue veins can be a significant cosmetic problem because they are difficult to cover up with makeup and tend to make you look tired and old. Because of this, many patients are looking for a permanent solution for getting rid of this type of vein.
These veins can be treated a few different ways. One is a micro-phlebectomy where a small puncture is made with a tiny needle. A small hook is then inserted through the puncture and the vein is hooked and pulled out. It can sometimes be difficult to find the vein because of thin connective tissue and bruising in the form of a black eye is common.
Laser is another method, but the veins are typically too big with too much blood volume. This type of treatment may cause staining and/or scarring. It’s also risky to use a laser that close to the eye. In Dr. Karamanoukian’s opinion this is the least acceptable way to treat an eye vein and he discourages it.
Due to the sensitivity of the eye area, it’s important to consult with a doctor who is very experienced in treating under-eye veins. Dr. Karamanoukian has been treating this type of vein issue for many years with great success.